Thursday, December 28, 2006

Baby's first Christmas!

Ava with her stocking
Ava after opening her stocking
The Slipp's after hours and hours of unwrapping!
The cousins
The Slipp's before going to Nanny and Grampy's for Xmas Eve
While we were using the timer on the camera Ava decided to begin opening her gift!

Auntie Kristal came for a visit Xmas Eve
Nanny getting big smiles from Ava!

We had a wonderful Christmas back in Fredericton and with a new addition to our family! Santa sure didn't miss us! Ava had a grand old time and loved all her gifts!

We spent Christmas at Nanny and Grampy's then drove to Quispamsis later on in the day to visit Auntie Kathy, Uncle Brent, Papa and Cousins Joshua, Holly and Mary.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Pre-Christmas fun

the baby whisperer

Last night we made some rounds to a few places. We began at Papa's house then to the Lydon's then to the MacAfee's then back to the Lydon's to the wee hours of the morning! Ava was in party mode and barely slept a wink till we got home at 3:30am!

Yankee Swap

Here are the 2 pics I took from Wednesday nights Yankee Swap at the Back Nine. Good times were had by all and I think we may have a tradition in the works for years to come! :)

Monday, December 18, 2006


My brother and his family and Pete, Ava and myself all went to Mom and Dad's for turkey supper on Saturday night. Ava got to open one of her presents from Uncle Gary, Aunt Patty and cousins Sarah & Riley. She got a cuddly teddy bear as big as Ava and his name is Henderson.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I finally got my REAL Christmas tree!!!

After 3 years of not having a real Christmas tree due to living in a 20 story apartment building in Mississauga and being a fire hazard I finally got my real tree! :)

Pete, Ava and myself all went to Moncton on Saturday and visited Uncle Gary and cousin Riley. Pete and Ava stayed in while I went Christmas shopping. Not sure about any of you readers but the best shopping for me is shopping ALONE! No one to worry about if they want to go to the next store, hurrying or saying "you don't need that!". It gives me peace and I find it therapeutic even with the hustle and bustle of Christmas. I like hustle and bustle...that's why I liked T.O so much! :(

Anywho, I did manage to get a few presents and we are pretty much done our shopping.

We got back from Moncton on Sunday afternoon and then bought our tree from the Kinsmen at the exhibition grounds. We got the most gorgeous tree! :) My favourite was the guy showing us the tree's. We told him to show us the cheapest tree which was 20.00 and I didn't like them they were little and not full. He then says well then you'd have to go up a notch to the "higher end" tree. I said "well how much will that cost?". He says quite seriously $25.00...I was like R U kidding me?(insert sarcasm) $5.00 more for a gorgeous tree? He was talking like I was going to have to drop $100.00 more for it. Pete and I just looked at each other and laughed!

These are pretty pricey though compared to the first tree we bought in Mississauga outside an Ikea. The boy scouts were selling theirs for 15.00 and if you bought one Ikea gave you a gift card valued at 15.00 to purchase anything at the store. Sweet! Just don't buy the tree stand from Ikea. Ours was a piece of crap. We were awakened by the sound of our freshly decorated tree smashing to the ground at 3:00am and half the ornaments broken. Then we found out that we weren't allowed to have a real tree in the building. We kept it any way...took back the stand...bought a new stand elswhere...glued the salvageable ornaments back together and had to saw the tree in to pieces after Xmas to take it out in trash bags so no one would know we had a real tree. Oh the memories! :)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy Birthday Grampy!

Wishing Dad/Grampy a Happy Birthday! Mom cooked Chinese food for the occasion and was delicious!!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Countdown to Christmas

We're in the final stretch of 2006 and Christmas is 1 month away from today. I can finally bring out the sleeper I bought for Ava(baby Slipp at the time of purchase!). I remember buying this sleeper with the matching hat back in January at baby Mexx with so much excitement for Xmas 2006 and I can't believe it's only a few weeks away! Here are a few pics of Ava in her Christmas sleeper and hat(a little small for her)! Just in case Santa is reading this...Ava has been an exceptionally good girl this year! :)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

My Birthday!

Well another birthday has come and gone. I hope 32 treats me as good as 31 has! :) It's been a beautiful year for me. Last year to the day was when I received a phone call from my doctor confirming I was indeed pregnant! What a wonderful birthday gift. :) The months that came only got bigger(litterally ;)) and better!

Today I celebrated my first birthday as a mother and loved every second of it. Pete returned from the gym this morning with a treat and tea from Timmy's for me to enjoy in bed while Ava was still asleep. Then Ava and I listened to Christmas music and played at her gym then Mom and Dad came over to watch Ava while Pete and I dined at the Blue Door(Delicious!...had never been there before). To my surprise the Blue Door offered my very favourite treat of all time...Creme Brulee! Oh Boy I was in heaven!!!

So November 20, 21 and 23rd were big days at the hospital here in Fredericton. I know women were kept in the hospital longer way back yonder which leads me to think that Geoff, Simon and myself had to have been at each others side those 32 years ago in that Blizzard I hear so much about! ;) Cheers to you both! I hope you had super Birthdays and one day...maybe our 40th? We can celebrate together in one big
super duper bash!

Here are some pics...Me and my mini cake from Mom and Dad, a pic of Ava, Pete and myself with the gorgeous flowers Ava gave me! :)

Life is good.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or Treat!

Ava had lots of fun tonight trick or treating! She got some goodies from Papa and Nanny & Grampy!