Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Rainbow Dance!

Here is a shot of the rainbow from our front steps on Monday night.

Happy 4th Birthday Ava!

The requested Barbie cake for me to make with a purple dress!

New Scooter and displaying her age!

Ava was a lucky girl this year. She got to have 2 birthday parties. One with her grandparents and one with her friends. Her actual Birthday is on August 4th and we had a mini birthday celebration from 6:00am to 7:00am that morning. Ava is always asking for a balloon so we had her room decorated with a helium balloon and her birthday presents waiting for her to open. She was thrilled to wake up to all this!We also had soccer that evening and so we had Nanny & Grampy and Papa over for some ice cream cake afterwards. Then on Sunday 3 of Ava's friends came over to help her celebrate. The girls were all gorgeous in their party dresses! I won't go in to detail of how I can't believe she's 4. All I can say is she's one amazing little girl!