Monday, January 09, 2006

Sneak Peek to Baby Slipp!

We went for our first ultrasound on Friday. The baby is exactly 11 weeks old in the pic. He/She has one arm up to the side in the air making a fist and the other arm is lounging back behind his/her head. Awe!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

It's positive!

It's positive!!! As most of you know now, over the Holidays we announced we're having a baby! Junior/Cupcake is due July 28th! I'm 11 weeks along and just went for our first ultrasound yesterday. (I will scan the pic at work on Monday and post). What a crazy, sensational moment when the technician turns the monitor around and Voila! The baby! To our delight there was only 1 baby! Pheuff!

Here are a few pics from when we were home for Christmas. It tore my heart out to drive back to Mississauga!