Thursday, March 29, 2007

Go Leafs Go!

Ava's hoping for a big win tonight to help the Leafs squeeze in to the playoffs!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Leblanc, Kupkee, Slipp

This past Saturday Ava explored her Acadien roots in La Coeur d'Acadie a.k.a Cap-Pelé. Ava got to visit her Great Mémère Leblanc. We were lucky to get a 4 generations pic as Nanny went for a visit too! Uncle Gary and the family stopped in as well so we also got a great grandchildren pic too.

Marshmallow Girl!

Here's Ava in her winter white snowsuit. It finally fits her as it should and it's Spring! This suit is a 6-9 months size which she hasn't worn in a while compared with all her other clothes. I just bought 18-24 months for her to fit in to from Old Navy! She's so darn tall all her pants are short and she's only 8 months old!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Splish Splash!

Ava has graduated from her baby tub to the kitchen sink. She loves bathtime so much! I just can't get enough of her smile!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

New Seat!

Ava has officially outgrown her first car seat and has moved up to her bigger seat! It's so sad to pack up the old just seems like yesterday we bought it! I personally find the new car seat a huge pain in the a$$. Anyone reading this please let me know if you've found it difficult to tighten the straps in the car while the seat is still rear facing and in the middle seat. One word...awkward as H-e- double hockey sticks! I think you need to be a contortionist to get her in safe and secure! I also find Ava sits quite erect in the seat and her head hangs forward if she falls asleep. We are wondering if this happens in all 3-in 1 seats or just the one we purchased. Please let me know!

Ava 'Rosie Cheeks' Slipp

Yesterday (Saturday) we decided to go for a little hike through Odell park. It was so nice to be out in milder weather! Ava found the walk so nice and relaxing she had a nap on Daddy's back!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Whoa Baby!

Here's Ava with her crazy hat hair after our walk!