Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Loves

Here are a few pic's from Valentine's day. The first 2 pictures are classic Ava & Leah...Ava smothering her sister with hugs & kisses and Leah squinting and looking for help! I love these girls!

Friday, February 06, 2009

Friday Funny!

The things Ava says!!!

Let me set the scenario...Our bathroom has a seperate tub from the shower. I will usually place Ava in the tub while Leah sits in her chair in the bathroom and then I shower.

This morning when I was getting out of the shower I was talking to the girls. I said to Leah "when you get bigger you can get in the bath and play with Ava, wouldn't that be fun!" Ava then says "Yeah, and then Daddy can play with you in the shower!"(What did she just say?!?!) I then quickly responded...Umm I don't think that Daddy & I can fit in the shower at the same time!!! ;)

Monday, February 02, 2009

For the girls...

Here are some pics from a few weeks back when the Slipp family went on a road trip to Quispamsis for Mary's 6th birthday party. Thanks for the hospitality!