Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Robyn Lily Reeves

She's here! Robyn joined us in our wonderful world on May 29th at 7:16pm. Weighing in at 7lbs 13oz and 21 and a half inches long. Pete and I went to see the new Reeves family tonight. Valerie looks amazing and Robyn is gorgeous! Robyn already has Malcolm wrapped around her tiny finger! Beautiful family indeed! Congratulations Malcolm and Valerie! Robyn is so lucky to have you guys as parents!

I tell ya, I had some heart aches walking through the maternity ward and hearing & seeing all those brand new babies! Brought back so many great memories I had tears in my eyes! I love it! Can't believe Ava is going to be 10 months old in a few days!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Duck, Duck Moose!

We had a great time down in Boston for 5 days! We saw 2 moose in Maine on the drive down and pulled off to the side to see them. Ava took the "T" subway for the first time. Slept in 3 different hotels, found out Ava is not so keen on elevators! Ava was the best little traveler. Smiling the whole entire trip! It sure was handy to have Mom and Dad there for the help! Started the trip down at Wrentham Village shopping at the outlets all day then on Friday we did the Boston Duck tour. We had always wanted to do it and we reccomend it! We had nice warm weather for the land and sea! Ava had a blast and a snooze in the 80minute tour! Saturday we attended the wedding of the Fontana's. Kim and Kevin had a beautiful wedding and reception was great learning to Armenian dance! Congrats to you both again!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Happy 7th Birthday Holly!

We'd like to wish Holly a Big Happy Birthday!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy 12th Birthday Sarah!

We went to Moncton on Saturday to celebrate our Niece's Birthday. Forgot the camera so here is a shot when Sarah met Ava for the first time!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My 1st Mother's Day! I love being a Mom!

Today we drove to the camp at Skiff Lake for the day. I had a super day relaxing and enjoying the whole reason why I am celebrating Mother's Day! Being a Mom is a powerful role and I love every moment of it. When Ava learns something new and faces me with the look of being so, so proud of her accomplishment to see my reaction or when she gets a little bump on her head and turns to me with the sadness and open arms that could make the Devil weep, I feel so incredibly lucky to be her Mom. I'm very much beginning to understand my own Mom and why she did/said the things she did!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Yay Me!

Just a post to let everyone know that I got a job offer from Skillsoft on Friday afternoon! I'm so excited as this was the only job out of dozens I applied for that I truly wanted! It's full-time and no contracts or French to deal with! It's a bittersweet time for me. I wanted to go back to work (especially at a job that I really want to do) and really don't have a choice in the matter but I'm sad to leave Ava. I didn't get my full 12 months with her but if that's my only complaint right now I think I'm doing alright! Besides I'm one of the lucky ones to have my Mom watch Ava when I go back to work!