Thursday, August 03, 2006

Guessing Game!

Alrighty...while Pete and I are playing the waiting game I thought I'd get everyones opinion on the stats of our baby. Everyone let me know what you think the gender, weight, date of birth and time of birth will be. To keep this fair to all, I have told some people what the doctors have already told me- the baby will be big, at least 8 pounds and I am going to the hospital Friday night to get my cervix lined with gel to soften it for labour induction Saturday morning at 7:30am. This does not mean I'll go into labour right away but for our sanity let's hope it does! :)

Let the games begin!


holly said...

I think baby girl will be born on Saturday August 5th, around 4pm. My guess is 9lbs 5oz. (Noah was 9lbs 2 oz and Kya was 8lbs)
This is fun!

Anonymous said...

Hhhhmmmm, for your sake Tracey I hope Baby Boy Slipp will weigh no more than 8lbs 4oz and I have a feeling that he'll surrender his squatting rights Saturday morning between 2 and 3am. :)

Tyna said...

August 5
8lbs 6oz


But I hope I'm wrong on the date and "she" comes tonight!

Lindsay & Geoff said...

My guess is:
A baby boy
Saturday, August 5th at 6:48pm
9lbs 1oz

Tracey, Peter, Ava, Leah & Hudson said...

August 4th

11:50 AM

10 lbs 6oz



The Dean's said...

Okay, I'm hoping your induction doesn't take you into Sunday. My guess is a baby boy, 9lbs 3oz at 9:18pm.

The Dean's said...


Anonymous said...

Pete's going to send out an official announcement but I thought I'd share the update that Baby Girl Slipp has arrived safe and sound. I'll leave the other details to the proud parents!!! Congrats guys...can't wait to spoil the little brat!! :)