Thursday, November 23, 2006

My Birthday!

Well another birthday has come and gone. I hope 32 treats me as good as 31 has! :) It's been a beautiful year for me. Last year to the day was when I received a phone call from my doctor confirming I was indeed pregnant! What a wonderful birthday gift. :) The months that came only got bigger(litterally ;)) and better!

Today I celebrated my first birthday as a mother and loved every second of it. Pete returned from the gym this morning with a treat and tea from Timmy's for me to enjoy in bed while Ava was still asleep. Then Ava and I listened to Christmas music and played at her gym then Mom and Dad came over to watch Ava while Pete and I dined at the Blue Door(Delicious!...had never been there before). To my surprise the Blue Door offered my very favourite treat of all time...Creme Brulee! Oh Boy I was in heaven!!!

So November 20, 21 and 23rd were big days at the hospital here in Fredericton. I know women were kept in the hospital longer way back yonder which leads me to think that Geoff, Simon and myself had to have been at each others side those 32 years ago in that Blizzard I hear so much about! ;) Cheers to you both! I hope you had super Birthdays and one day...maybe our 40th? We can celebrate together in one big
super duper bash!

Here are some pics...Me and my mini cake from Mom and Dad, a pic of Ava, Pete and myself with the gorgeous flowers Ava gave me! :)

Life is good.


Lindsay & Geoff said...

It sounds like you had a fabulous day. I can't wait for the 40th bash...maybe we could even try to pull off a 35th??? Give Ava a big squeeze from me...
Hugs to you guys too,

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how sometimes the best gifts don't have a price tag?! Glad you enjoyed your day! :) xo k.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tracey! Hmm Creme Brule sounds better then cake! Everybody looks so happy and content. I wish you have a wonderful 32.

The Dean's said...

Happy Birthday Tracey! What a great day.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you had such a great birthday. You sound very happy these days, I think motherhood agrees with you. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Oops...Happy Belated Birthday Tracey! Sounds like you had a great day.

K :)

Vitamin S said...

Oh Damn! I forgot you're birthday too! My excuse is that I was hungover from my birthday; which is of course the same excuse I've used every year. Happy Belated Birthday Trace! I was going to give you your own post on my blog about the time you flashed your boobs that the Jimmy Buffett concert...but then I remembered that it never happened. And I could never tell a lie on my blog...