Thursday, February 15, 2007


We had a good Valentine's Day yesterday. Ava had her 6 month shots, she was a trooper once again! She's a tough little girl! She is weighing 18 lbs and is a monstrous 28 inches long! I see basketball/modelling in her future if she keeps growing at this pace! ;)

We had a mini photo shoot in the afternoon. Ava wasn't really herself after taking all those needles but here are a few I thought were worth posting!


Anonymous said...

Ava is such a doll! I can't get over how much she is changing. If she is anything like her daddy she will definately be into sports.

Tyna said...

I love that little Kupkeecake! She's so cute!

kerry said...

wow, do they ever grow so fast!! She is soo cute!

Anonymous said...

Ok, Ava just went off the charts on the cute meter...