Thursday, March 15, 2007

Splish Splash!

Ava has graduated from her baby tub to the kitchen sink. She loves bathtime so much! I just can't get enough of her smile!


Lindsay & Geoff said...

She is awesome!! The last pic is so cute!!! LJ

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! She has grown! has that much time past? She look like she has a touch of red in her hair. True? or just lighting? She's really a beautiful baby.

Anonymous said...

She is the cutest!!!! She really seems to be changing in her looks too...


Anonymous said...

She gets cuter with every picture! What a doll!

Love Aunt Kath :)

Jules said...

I loved the sink bath's, so much fun!!
I love her smile too, it's contageous (don't know how to spell that - contagious??)!!